Monday, August 06, 2012

August 2012 Word Count

As a new accountability initiative am going to try posting my daily word count. Since I'm an INFP we'll see how long this lasts...

Target range of 2,000 to 3,000 per day at least 20 days per month (minimum of 40,000 words per month).

Date Word
1 0 n/a
2 0 n/a
3 2,389 Woo-hoo! First "real" writing day of the month.
4 2,000 n/a
5 332 Sad, but better than nothing.
6 2,334 n/a
7 212 n/a
8 0 See? This is nothing. 332 was better than this.
9 0 n/a
10 0 n/a
11 2,120 n/a
12 114 n/a
13 2,216 n/a
14 4,402 Power was out. Wrote most of this staying up late at Cook Out.
15 2,695 n/a
16 4,337 Another 4k+ day? Maybe a little more sleep would be wise...
17 0 n/a
18 6,110 I can't explain this.
19 2,069 Yea! Another day over 2k!
20 0 Brain recovery?
21 0 n/a
22 2,671 Yea! Another day over 2k!
23 792 n/a
24 0 n/a
25 30 n/a
26 2,319 n/a
27 2,110 n/a
28 2,031 Met goal for the month! Woo!!
29 994 n/a
30 0 n/a
31 910 n/a
Total 43,187 n/a

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